The above website is published by :
Name: Haptique et Réalité Virtuelle
Legal structure: SA
Share capital: 70,000 euros
SIRET number: 79379680600024
VAT number: FR78793796806
APE Code: 6201Z
Head office: Centre d’affaires Technopolis – Rue Louis de Broglie – Bâtiment M – 53810 Changé (France)
Telephone: +33 (0)2 44 47 23 20
Publication manager: Arnaud Cosson
Creation: Haptique et Réalité Virtuelle is responsible for the design, graphics, development and referencing of the site.
Legal structure: SA
Share capital: €70,000
SIRET number: 79379680600024
VAT number: FR78793796806
APE Code: 6201Z
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Centre d’affaires Technopolis, Bâtiment M, Rue Louis de Broglie, 53810 Changé
(+33) 2 44 47 23 20